Christmas time is upon us and as it grows closer and closer I not only love to watch Christmas movies, I also really love Christmas episodes from my Favorite TV shows.

Unlike my last Christmas list I decided I would choose my top five favorite Christmas episodes from the beloved English Television show Doctor Who.Of course this list is up for debate, so if you feel like I over looked any Doctor Who Christmas episodes let me know in the comments below.


Doctor Who is a British Science Fiction Television show, shown on the BBC since 1963. The show is about a Time Lord called the Doctor, an alien that appears usually as a fast talking,enjoyable man that explores the universe in a time traveling police box called the Tardis.

Doctor who relaunched in 2005 and since made a whopping 13 seasons with 5 swaps of the lead role.

One thing the writers of this series are great for, is the well written Doctor Who Christmas Specials done almost every year since Christmas day 2005. From a Titanic space ship with killer robot angels to Giant air swimming sharks. The writers really go all out with cool and interesting ways to bring the story of Christmas onto our screens, while still giving us the weird wide and wonderful universe That is Doctor Who.

This is my Top 5 Doctor Who Christmas Episodes.


5) A Christmas Carol.

Starting this list of at number 5 is the episode “A Christmas Carol” staring Matt Smith as “The Doctor”, Arthur Darvill as “Rory” and Guardians of the Galaxy’s Karen Gillian as “Amy Pond”. This episode is an interruption of Charles Dickens’s 1843  “A christmas Carol”.

In the Christmas special Amy and Rory are stuck on a crashing space liner with over 4000 people on board.The Doctor lands in the town blow the clouds and meets the man who controls the cloud layer, the mean and nasty “Kazran sardick” ( Micheal Gambon). without Sardicks help the space liner will surely crash killing everyone on board. So the Doctor must alter Sardicks past to make him not so bitter. The episode also features floating fish and a great white shark.
This episode of Doctor who is the 213th episode and aired on Christmas day 2010 in both the UK and the United Sates.


4) Last Christmas.

Number Four on the list and the current episode I am watching is called Last Christmas and aired on Christmas day 2014 in the UK and is the 253rd Episode.

“Last Christmas” Stars Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor and Jenna Coleman as Clara Oswald.

In this Christmas special Clara Awakens to Santa and his reindeer on top of her roof. The Doctor appears around the same time to take Clara to the north pole, where she is attacked and put into a dream state by what the doctor calls dream crabs, specimens that slowly eat the brain.Santa and the doctor must work quickly before there is nothing left of Clara.


3) The Snowmen.

Another Clara ( Jenna Coleman) and The Doctor ( Matt Smith) Adventure.

In this Christmas special episode, The doctor meets Clara for the first time or did he? The impossible girl chasing the doctor through out time and space was also a governess in one of these past lives and her town is overrun by giant snowmen that appear if you think about them.

This episode is set in the Victorian era and is visually beautiful including a scene where Clara walks up a staircase into the misty clouds overlooking the town, where the Doctor has been keeping the Tardis.

The snowmen is the 231st episode of Doctor Who and aired on Christmas day 2012 in the UK.


2) Voyage Of The Damned.

In this Christmas episode staring David Tennant as the Tenth doctor and Australian singer and Actor Kylie Minouge as the episodes “companion”Astrid Peth. The Doctor Gets mixed up in “Max Capricorns” ( George Costigan) plot for revenge when his own company voted him out.This episode is set on a replica of the RMS Titanic turned into a spaceship on a Christmas cruise to Earth.

The episode aired on Christmas day 2007 and 13.31 Million people tuned into watch on Christmas day. Voyage of the damned is the 188th episode.

1) The Christmas Invasion.

The 60 Minute Christmas episode which first aired on Christmas day 2005, is the first Christmas special of Doctor Who ever and in my opinion the best.

Introducing David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor for the first time.This episode explores what happens during Regeneration of a Time Lord for the first time in the revival era of Doctor who and follows a desperate and confused Rose Tyler ( Billie Piper) as she comes to grips with the Doctors new face.

Meanwhile Earth is invaded by an alien race called the Sycorax, demanding that humanity surrenders or one third of them will die and the Doctor is busy taking a nap.

The Christmas Invasion is the 167th episode of the series.

This is my Favorite episode because my dad regularly put this episode on around this time every year, while I was growing up so it gives me a lot of nostalgia.

This year there will be no Christmas Special for 2019 but like last year the show runners have something planned for New Years day, with a two part episode called “Spyfall” on January 1st on BBC1 airing at 6.55pm. (UK)

So that is my Top 5 Doctor Who Christmas episodes what’s yours? Did I miss your favorite episode?? let me know in the comments.

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